Creating change from the inside out.
Insight to Well-Being
The Insight to Well-Being curriculum is designed for individual practitioners and organizations to share an understanding of the mind and human experience for the purpose of reducing risk factors, uncovering resilience and promoting emotional and psychological well-being for adults and youth impacted by the criminal justice, those struggling with addiction and other social service needs. This curriculum is taught through a compilation of sessions that speak to the potential, ability, and resilience inside every human.
Order Today
When you sign up to purchase our curriculum, you get more than just a set of lessons. As practitioners and facilitators who are in the field, delivering this content daily, we’re continually updating it to enhance the practical applications and effectiveness. Additionally, through our online membership platform, you’ll also get access to an engaged, supportive community, and a collection of valuable online resources.
About the Curriculum
The Insight to Well-Being Curriculum is available via a dynamic membership platform. Each session covers topics and issues that are relevant to people impacted by the criminal justice system. Participants gain a better understanding of themselves and others, develop vital social and emotional skills, access their creative intelligence, and cultivate their personal potential.
Upcoming Trainings
We offer hands-on, in-depth training for everyone who purchases our curriculum. If you’re an organization, business or school looking to purchase our curriculum, we’ll schedule a training that works for your team. If you’re an individual practitioner, you can check out our schedule of upcoming trainings on our online calendar. All trainings are currently virtual.