About Insight to Well-Being

How We Got Started

Beyond Recovery, the Insight Alliance and the SPARK Initiative are all organizations that share a vision for what is possible for humanity. What can be achieved when human beings wake up to their true potential regardless of their circumstances. What is at the heart of human resilience. We came together because of the alignment in our individual missions to work with people who are at the fringes of society or who are vulnerable due to their backgrounds. We see no human being as broken, nobody needs fixing, and no-one should be left to suffer when that suffering is caused by a simple misunderstanding of how the mind works.

Program Objectives

The Insight to Well-Being Program has been proven to:

  • Decrease in anxiety, depression, anger, and agitation.
  • Increase in emotional regulation and impulse control.
  • They are less prone to violence and to reactions when upset or angry.
  • Increase in Stress Resistance needed to cope with trauma.
  • Decrease in the obsession with own circumstances.
  • Decrease in response to trigger situations.
  • Increase in pro-social behaviors and connectedness.
  • Increased or improved relationships with family, and relationships with others (fellow prisoners, officers, etc.)

Curriculum Components

Each session covers topics and issues that are relevant to people impacted by the criminal justice system. Through this curriculum, participants gain a better understanding of themselves and others, develop vital social and emotional skills, access their creative intelligence, and cultivate their personal potential. When you purchase our curriculum, here’s what you get: 

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